Topic: Hops

Hop Creep Revisited


I rarely answer similar questions in a single column, but this question pairs well with Greg Hutchinson’s question in this issue about over-carbonation and is a good follow-up to my “Hop Creep

Hot New Hops


Tech companies love talking about “early adopters” — these are the people who are first to get the newest gadget, software, or trend and spread the word to the masses. The brewing

Appreciating the Classic Hops


The classics are classics for a reason. Whether talking about books, music, or even beer, it is important to understand what the classics are and why they hold that special title. Classics

Hop Creep Explained


Hop creep is a term that has been recently popping up in commercial craft brewing circles to describe increased attenuation following dry-hopping. Reports in brewing literature indicate that a small handful of

Hop Creep Explained, Backsweetening, and Maximizing Malt Freshness


The term “hop creep” is not to be confused with lupulin shift. The Wiz provides the current understanding of hop creep as well as how to maximize certain flavor components of beer.

Hop Shelf Life


This is a great question and brings up several things that need to be considered because hops do age when stored, and using hops that are past their prime for brewing is

Let’s Talk Hop Shop


Learn some of the basic terminology and jargon that surround hops and hopping.

Evolution of Late Hopping


The way in which craft brewers and homebrewers are utilizing their hop additions has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. From hop bursting to hopstands, hopbacks to dry hopping, get in the know about all of the latest popular hopping techniques.

Hop Extracts – Advanced Brewing


These hop extracts roughly fall into two categories, those primarily intended to add bitterness and those where aromatics are the goal.

Hop Oast


The best way to dry freshly picked hops to preserve all of their wonderful flavor-boosting oils, acids, and compounds is with a hop oast. Here are plans to build a multi-tier oast utilizing a box fan for drying.

Dry Hopping: Adding Bright Hop Character


Dry hopping beer is an age-old technique that is enjoying a great deal of attention in the current era where hop flavor and aroma can make or break a beer, especially hop-forward beers such as American pale ales and IPAs. We ask two award-winning professional brewers at the top of their game for advice and topics for homebrewers to think about when they approach a dry-hopped beer.

Save Your Hops for Post-Boil


Outside of bittering additions, adding hops during the boil is inefficient as many of the essential oils and positive attributes being sought are lost to heat. Instead, save those hops for whirlpooling or dry hopping.

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