Topic: Build It Yourself

Jacketed Mash Mixer


I believe a gentle mixing process helps loosen starch particles from grains making them more available to hydrolyzing enzyme action. In spite of clear evidence from commercial practice where mash mixers are

Reminder Rings & Filler Hooks


As homebrewers, we all create our own “small builds” — the minor tweaks we make to improve our brew setups. They’re the small stuff that just makes the brew day a little easier, quicker or less accident-prone. Things like the filling hook that allow you to fill your brewpot or carboy without having to hold the hose and reminder rings so you don’t forget your secondary additions.

Bottle Cleaning/Sanitizing Rack


Most homebrewers would agree that the better part of brewing beer at home is spent cleaning and sanitizing equipment. A lot of dedication goes into every batch and after waiting weeks for

Drill-Powered Carboy Cleaner


I honestly can’t pinpoint exactly what got me started in homebrewing. I was looking for a new hobby and literally stumbled into it. I kid you not, before I brewed a batch,

Build a Better Bottle Capper


Step by step to build your own pneumatic bottle capper.

Build a Stir Plate


When used for building yeast starters, the continual stirring of the stir-bar provides constant agitation and aeration of the yeast. The result is smaller starter sizes and less time needed to build more yeast cells.

Motorize Your Mill


Crushing grain immediately prior to mashing is one of the hallmarks of homebrewing at its finest and is well documented in numerous articles. I have used a drill-powered mill for years, but

Chalkboard Kegerator


The first-time homebrewer usually finds the entire beer-making process new and enjoyable. The second time around, bottling is usually seen as tedious, yet still rewarding. Every time after that scraping labels and

Build a Custom Beer Fridge


After years of homebrewing, we had dialed in a few recipes that we really liked. However, with each batch we brewed, there was always some variation in the final product. After doing

Toolbox Pump


For this pump project I used an old metal toolbox. The toolbox has multiple valves on in the front so you could use this system simply as a pump for transferring wort or whirlpooling after the boil without pumping unnecessary gunk through the chiller, or you can also easily add other components like a hopback without modifying anything. You can also use the pump to clean and back flush the plate chiller to insure that there’s no gunk left in it.

Build a Recessed Mash Tun Thermometer


Install a permanent recessed thermometer in your picnic cooler mash tun.

Build an Apple Scratter


This DIY apple scratter utilizes a garbage disposal to pulverize apples to make juice extraction for hard apple cider a piece of cake.

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