Topic: Mashing

93 result(s).

Cereal Mashing


You can open up a whole new world of brewing ingredients beyond malted barley and wheat when you master using a cereal mash to convert starch to sugars in grains such as

Stressing Yeast, Dough Balls, & Remote Brewing


The discussion of stressing yeast to increase phenolics for styles like hefeweizens has been around for a long time. The Wizard weighs in on if this is necessary and shares other options if you aren’t getting the aromas you want from your yeast. He also answers questions on preventing dough balls and offers up advice for homebrewing in environments where climate and remoteness prove challenging.

Avoiding Dough Balls


Dough balls are an undeniable nuisance to brewers of all sizes because the malt in the dough ball is not wetted and does us brewers no good.  Unless you are stirring with

Protein rests when brewing with wheat


This is a great question, Richard. The short answer is no, you do not need to do a protein rest when brewing with more than 25% wheat. However, many brewers want to

Protein Rests, Freeze-Drying Yeast, & Simplifying Homebrewing


Is a protein rest necessary when brewing with a high percentage of wheat? The answer depends on the goals of the brewer, so understanding what this rest does, and doesn’t do, is important. The Wizard also discusses freeze-drying yeast and ways to make the homebrewing hobby simpler.

Understanding Mash Chemistry


Changing the chemistry of the mash can play an important role in the outcome of the final beer. Learn how to make adjustments based on your water and grist.

Control Mash Temperature with a Propane Heating System


I think I have a solution to your quest that will work well without costing much money. All you need for this project is your propane burner, a pot, an immersion wort

Scavenging Oxygen, a Propane Heating System, and Water Chemistry


It’s long been proven that bottle-conditioned beer lasts longer than those bottled already carbonated. The Wiz dives into the reasoning behind this and it may surprise some people. He also shares ideas for a propane heater and takes a dive into the daunting world of mash pH chemistry calculations.

Step Mashing Efficiency Vs. Infusion


I have a solid explanation of what may be causing your problem but must admit that what follows includes one very big assumption. And that assumption is that your mashes typically drop

Mash Hopping


Adding hops to your mash is an old technique that is getting renewed interest thanks to the fact this step can increase thiol precursors from the action of malt enzymes. Yeast then

Understanding Mash Thickness


Your liquor-to-grist ratio impacts mash enzyme stability, wort fermentability, first wort gravity and volume, sparge water requirements, decoction and step mashes, and much more. Learn more about this often overlooked aspect of all-grain brewing.

Alternative Mashing Techniques


Explore three historical mashing methods from different regions — parti-gyle (England), step mashing (Germany), and decoction mashing (Czech Republic) — and learn how they may benefit your own homebrews.

93 result(s) found.
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