Topic: Water

55 result(s).

Conserving Water


Despite all the pithy bumper sticker jokes about “Save Water, Drink Beer!” the truth is that brewing beer is a terribly inefficient and water wasteful process. Between growing, cleaning, mashing, sanitizing, chilling — it takes many, many times the volume of water as beer produced. Here are some pointers to conserve water in the brewing process.

Understanding Water Reports


Adjusting your water to accentuate the beer style you are brewing begins with understanding what is already in the water you use. One of the easiest places to start is with your local water report that should have all of the information you are in search of, with some important caveats.

Understanding Mash Chemistry


Changing the chemistry of the mash can play an important role in the outcome of the final beer. Learn how to make adjustments based on your water and grist.

Predicting Mash pH


Being able to predict mash pH based on brewing water composition and grist bill is something of great practical use to brewers. Clearly not all beer styles brewed in Munich, for example,

Scavenging Oxygen, a Propane Heating System, and Water Chemistry


It’s long been proven that bottle-conditioned beer lasts longer than those bottled already carbonated. The Wiz dives into the reasoning behind this and it may surprise some people. He also shares ideas for a propane heater and takes a dive into the daunting world of mash pH chemistry calculations.

Water: Beer Ingredient Workshop with John Palmer


Water is a critical brewing ingredient and yet is one of the least understood. John Palmer, who wrote the definitive book on the subject, Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers, will take



Brewers who have to deal with very hard water or changing water profiles from their faucet should find a solution to treat it. One homebrewer set out to build the ultimate water filtration system that would make even a chemist proud.

Adding Magnesium Salts in Beer


According to the article “Can You Take Too Much Magnesium” published on the Medical News Today website, the National Institutes of Health recommends 310–320 mg as the daily magnesium allowance for adult

Easy Water Adjustments


Explore some easy water treatments whether you are working with city municipal water, well water, or utilizing reverse osmosis water.

Utilizing A Brewing Water Calculator


Me and my big fingers! Did I type some words about my water tool? While it’s tempting to geek out with water math, I’ll try to keep this answer informative without jumping

Calibrating a pH Meter With Distilled Water


On paper, using distilled water as a pH 7.0 makes sense because the ionization constant is 1 x 10-14 and the concentration of hydrogen ions is 1 x 10-7 molar at 77

Brewing Water Treatments


Water is the least understood ingredient when making great beer. John Palmer, who literally wrote the book on the subject, will help take the mystery out of water’s role in brewing and

55 result(s) found.
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