Topic: Color

7 result(s).

Understanding the Color of Beer


We use a wide variety of words to talk about beer color — words such as white, pale, straw, blonde, beige, golden, yellow, honey-like, latte, orange, bronze, brown, mocha, caramel, chocolate, black,

Making Dark Versions of Pale Beers


A recent trend over the past few years in craft and homebrewing is making dark or black versions of pale colored beers; the first, and still most popular, being IPA. Recently I

The Dark Side of Partial Mashing


Partial mashing combines much of the flexibility of all-grain brewing with the convenience of brewing on your stovetop. But, there’s a dark side. Find out the problem of – and the solution to – low pH values in dark partial mashes. Plus: Seven roasty recipes to light the way.

Color Tips for Extract Beers: Tips from the Pros


Extract brewing might sound simple, but it still provides plenty of room to customize your beer. Color, for example, is one target that extract brewers can work to fine tune. Here, two professional brewers who use extract offer their thoughts on getting the color you want from your extract homebrews.

Raise the Colors!


From the lightest Pilsners to the darkest stouts, beer shows a spectrum of colors. Find out how to calculate beer color and formulate your recipes with the right combination of specialty grains for just the right shade in your glass.

Go For the Gold with Pale Beers


Doing well with any homebrew in competition means brewing a beer that meets a select and widely recognized set of criteria in terms of appearance, aroma, flavor, and character.

Control Beer Color: Tips from the Pros


Brewer:  Keith Wayne Brewery:  Tahoe Mountain Brewing Co., Stateline, Nev. Years of experience:  41/2 years Education:  BS in fermentation science and completion of Master Brewer’s Program, University of California, Davis; Member of

7 result(s) found.
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