Live Chat with Keith Yager
Click here to watch the replay of our July 2024 Live Q&A with Keith Yager.
Unlocking the Causes of Haze
Researchers at Omega Yeast have recently discovered a number of factors that contribute to hazy beer. Whether you want a stable haze in New England IPAs or a crystal clear Kölsch, it will help to learn how yeast, dry hopping, and hop selection play a role in both.
The Lighter Side of Specialty Malt
Specialty malts provide many key aspects to your beer such as flavor, aroma, color, body, mouthfeel, sweetness, acidity, and head retention. Take a closer look at the specialty malts available to homebrewers that fall below 30 Lovibond.
The Bitter Truth
British bitter is broken into three distinct styles in the Beer Judge Certification Program style guide, largely based on strength. However, there are other variations of bitter that don’t fit any of these categories. Get to better know the Yorkshire and Manchester bitters and then give brewing one — or both — a try.
Get the Most from Kveik Yeast
Kveik yeast is unlike any other species of brewing yeast. It ferments clean at hot temperatures even if underpitched, and it can easily be dried at home with no noticeable impact. An author with about 50 kveik-
fermented batches under his belt shares how to get the most from these yeasts, including advice on propagating, harvesting, drying, and reusing kveik.
River’s Edge Brewing Co.
The Replicator learns the story behind, and secrets to brewing, an award-winning Belgian-style dubbel from River’s Edge Brewing Co. in Milford, Michigan.
Reusing Yeast
Three pros share advice on harvesting, storing, and repitching yeast generation after generation.
Protein Rests, Freeze-Drying Yeast, & Simplifying Homebrewing
Is a protein rest necessary when brewing with a high percentage of wheat? The answer depends on the goals of the brewer, so understanding what this rest does, and doesn’t do, is important. The Wizard also discusses freeze-drying yeast and ways to make the homebrewing hobby simpler.
Braggot is a unique beverage that is part mead and part beer. Different from honey beer as a larger percent of its fermentables come from honey, yet braggots can be made with a base beer style in mind. Learn more about what braggot is and three different approaches to making one.
Sulfur Dioxide in Brewing
Sulfur dioxide is capable of scrubbing oxygen from beer, leading to better protection against negative effects aging can have on beer. But it isn’t a silver bullet and must be carefully understood.
2024 Beer Education
Looking to advance your brewing knowledge? Check out some of the beer education programs to start your journey down the path to a higher education in beer brewing or the business of beer.