Beer Style: Brown Ale Family

Free Will Brewing Company: C.O.B. (Coffee Oatmeal Brown) with Coconut & Chocolate clone


According to Free Will Brewing Co., this is a “Coffee, oatmeal, brown ale. Incredibly rich undertones of brown sugar, caramel and graham cracker. One pound of Speakeasy coffee per brewery barrel added post fermentation creates a prominent nose and taste of coffee.” This clone recipe includes a variation on the base C.O.B. beer with the addition of coconut and cocao.

Short’s Brewing Company: Magician Ale clone


“The Magician is a lustrous, dark-red, London style Red Ale with a rich grain bill. The grain combination lends complex notes of toasted caramel, raisins, chocolate, and roasted toffee. Very light hop additions let the true malt characters show throughout this beer.”

Ninkasi Brewing Company: Racin’ Mason Irish Red Ale clone


This classic Irish red pours a dark red/copper color and features a sweet caramel and toasted malt profile.

Butte Creek Brewing’s Winter Ale clone


This beer is now retired. The Butte Creek Brewing Co.’s annual winter ale was technically an American Brown Ale with Fuggle hops providing a balance to the malty backbone.

Grand Teton Brewing Company: Bitch Creek ESB (Extra Special Brown) clone


Bitch Creek balances big malt sweetness and robust hop flavor for a full-bodied, satisfying mahogany ale. This year-round offering has claimed 15 gold medals in national competitions.

Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery: Hope and King Scotch Ale clone


This exceptionally smooth beer showcases the beauty of malted barley, as notes of caramel, toffee, and toasted chocolate rise from its mahogany depths. Hope & King has won gold, silver, and bronze medals at the Great American Beer Festival.

Olde Burnside Brewing Co.’s Ten Penny Ale clone


According to Olde Burnside’s website, “Our flagship Scottish Ale. Malty with a hint of caramel and a little background smokiness. Just enough hops to balance the malts. Very sessionable.”

Triple Rock Brewery’s Dragon’s Milk Brown Ale clone


An English brown ale with enough hop bite to balance the malt backbone.

Iron Horse: Brown Ale clone


This recipe has since been retired, but recipe provides a classic American-style brown ale.

Bell’s Brewery Best Brown Ale clone


A smooth, toasty brown ale. Aromas of caramel and cocoa.

Carolina Brewing Co.’s Nut Brown Ale clone


According to Carolina Brewing Co., “A medium bodied, dark brown ale with a complex chocolatey, toasted malt taste. It has a dry finish that makes it distinct from some of the sweeter brown ales. We use five different types of malted barley to give the beer its color and variety of malt flavors.”

Capital Brewery: Brown Ale clone


This brown ale (now retired) out of Middleton, Wisconsin is clear and dark amber color with a solid, malty backbone.

83 result(s) found.
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