
2233 result(s) found.

Make Those Enzymes Dance


Control mash thickness by varying the ratio of water to malt. Perfect this technique to tame the enzymes that cause important reactions in the mash, influence fermentability, and affect beer flavor.

Stout-Hearted in Ireland


Take a Private Tour of the Guinness Brewery. Homebrewers Only!

Grow Your Own Hops


Put even more home into your homebrew. The ultimate for brewers who like to garden: Step-by-step instructions for planting, cultivating, and picking hops, as well as easy techniques for drying.

Calling Dr. Science


Maybe you’ve heard this comparison: Each beer, to a passionate homebrewer, is like a child. The brewer has raised the beer from nothing. He’s nurtured it. He’s eagerly monitored its progress. And

Steam Beer


California’s gold rush left an amber legacy that you can brew and enjoy.

Revolutionary Brewing


Imagine the scene: a dimly-lit, chilly tavern in 18th century Boston, Philadelphia, or perhaps New York. The fire is blazing, occasionally sending cascades of spark and flame rocketing onto the hearth, almost

What Makes a Style?


Who Decides Whether Your Brew’s a Heavy Porter or a Light Stout? And Does It Matter?

Convert Your All-Grain Recipe to Extract


go from extract to all-grain. Find a substitute for elusive hops or yeast. The do’s and don’ts of recipe conversions.

Winning Competitions: Tips from the Pros


Three brewers who won medals at the Great American Beer Festival give us the inside scoop to competing in—and winning—homebrew competitions. Jack Harris Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery Boulder, Colo. The Great

Create Your Own Recipe


Make your own beer as original as you are by combining creativity with solid craft. Here are a few basic rules and some philosophy to get you going.

Sanitation: Tips from the Pros


Kurt Widmer Widmer Brewing The three things brewers should not forget when it comes to sanitation are: Looking clean is not equivalent to actually being clean or sanitary. There’s no replacement for

20 Tips for Better Brewing


From kits to clean-up–great ideas to make brewing easier.

2233 result(s) found.
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