Beer Style: Bock

53 result(s).

Traditional Bock


by the numbers OG:1.064–1.072 (15.7–17.5 °P) FG:1.013–1.019 (3.3–4.8 °P) SRM:14–22 IBU:20–27 ABV:6.3–7.2% I have never been to the German city of Einbeck. It is not a common tourist destination, but I am

Springfield Brewing Co.’s Aviator Doppelbock: Replicator


Dear Replicator, On a recent road trip from Kansas City to southeastern Missouri I made a stop at Springfield Brewing Company. I had a couple of their beers, one being the Aviator

Eisbock: Style Profile


It is amazing how rich our memories can be. Every time I think about eisbock, several moments in my life leap to mind, complete with flavors and aromas. I recall the time



by the numbers OG: 1.072–1.112 (17.5–26.3 °P) FG: 1.016–1.024 (4.1–6.1 °P) SRM: 6–25 IBU: 16–26 ABV: 7–10% When new homebrewers come into the hobby, it seems that they often focus on pale

Abita Brewing Company Andygator Doppelbock: Replicator


Dear Replicator, I went to a beer tasting at Bruisin’ Ales in Asheville, North Carolina, which featured beers from the Abita Brewing Company. I was impressed with their Andygator Doppelbock. Their website

Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu Optimator clone


Optimator is brewed and then lagered in the brewery’s deep cellars. This smooth beer is a beautiful ruby brown color with a whipped-cream head. The aroma is one of smooth, sweet malt and warming alcohol. It sits rich and malty on the palate, with alcohol a defining presence.

EKU 28 Type Dopplebock


This recipe uses entirely pale malts, just as the EKU, but do not worry. This beer has plenty of malty character and a surprising amount of color. Its 28° Plato (1.112) makes it a big beer no matter how you look at it.



An award-winning maibock recipe from down under.

Paul Sangster’s Doppelbock/Eisbock


Best of Show winner, America’s Finest City Homebrew Competition (502 entries)

Alec’s Doppelbock


Doppelbock is one of my favorite styles, but it is a tough beer to make. You have to pay total attention to many things in order to get it right. Malt is the showcase, so hops are a lesser concern. Low- to mid-20s on the IBUs will balance the sweetness. Perle and Northern Brewer are good choices. Avoid hops that leave a footprint, like Chinook or Centennial or Cascade.
Alec Mull — Kalamazoo Brewing Company, Michigan

Dan’s Doppelbock


“The flavor of an excellent doppelbock can be described as clean maltiness. The beer should be quite rich, almost bready. The malt should be dominant. The alcohol character should not be off-putting; neither should there be any astringency in the beer. In a doppelbock, there is a fine line between getting full flavor, maltiness and drinkability, or missing it altogether.”
Dan Carey – New Glarus Brewing Company in NewGlarus, Wisconsin.

Otter Creek Mud Bock Spring Ale clone


A Bock that has a nutty, chocolate malt flavor with mild hopping.

53 result(s) found.
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