Beer Style: Pale Ale Family

AHS Altbier


"A genuine altbier is a difficult to find style outside of Northern Germany. For most homebrewers, making their own is a more attractive option than airfare. One way of looking at this style is that altbier is the opposite of steam beer. While steam beers are lagers fermented at ale temperatures, an altbier is most often an ale fermented at low temperatures and then cold conditioned like a lager."
– Jeff Schultz
Austin Homebrew Supply — Austin, Texas

Bonneville Flats Bitter


“I brewed this beer on a Sunday and served it to my homebrew club the next Saturday. I thought it would still be green at that point, but it actually tasted finished Friday evening. I designed the recipe and procedures to not only yield a beer that would ferment and conditionquickly, but one that would be quick to put together on brew day.”
— recipe author Chris Colby

6-Day Mild Ale


“The name reflects that I needed a large amount of yeast ready in 6 days, so brewed up a batch of mild. I needed to grow enough yeast to make a batch of OG 1.116 barleywine for filling a bourbon barrel. The mild was made one weekend and was racked to a keg the following weekend while the mash was underway for the barleywine. The chilled barleywine wort was then transferred onto the yeast cake from the mild and a little oxygen was added. There was activity in the airlock within about an hour.”
— recipe author Steve Piatz

Big Belly Belgian Blonde


Austin Powers claimed that "Danger" was his middle name. After seeing our procedures, you may think we should have named this beer after him. However, once you get your first taste of it, you’ll be yelling one of Fat Bastard’s most memorable lines — "Get in my belly!

Creature of the Wheel Kölsch


The wheat malt is a nod to the past, but this recipe uses every modern technological advantage to produce a clean, crisp, light-colored Kölsch. If the family has never enjoyed any of your homebrews before, this may bring them into the light.

Late-Hopped Simcoe Ale (Small Batch)


An American Pale Ale, this recipe is for the ultimate short brew day. From flame-on to cleanup is only 90 minutes. Lots of floral, fruity Simcoe flavor and aroma from the 15-minute boil.

Dogfish Head Brewing Co. Shelter Pale Ale clone


Dogfish’s original American Pale Ale and most approachable beer.

Kepler’s Kölsch


Kölsch is a tricky beer style to pull off. Some would say that stovetop extract brewers shouldn’t even think about trying it. Not us. We know that if you take a scientific approach you can do it. However, you need to read these instructions carefully before you brew and follow them exactly.

Redhead CPA (Cherry Pale Ale)


Not your typical American Pale Ale.  This one comes with cherries. Recipe submitted by Homebrew Pro Shoppe, Inc., Olathe, Kansas

Red Lodge Ales Brewing Co.’s Glacier Ale


According to Red Lodge’s website “Glacier Ale is modeled after the German altbier. It is deep amber-brown in color and has a caramel malt flavor balanced with moderate hop bitterness. Silver medal winner-2010 North American Beer Awards. Gold medal winner – 2007 North American Beer Awards.”

Elysian Brewing Company: The Wise clone


The first beer that Elysian Brewing Co. brewed, The Wise ESB is a classic British Special Bitter. The recipe was shared with Brew Your Own magazine in 2010 in honor of the 15th Anniversary of Elysian Brewing and BYO.

Andrew Clark’s Düesseldorfer Altbier


Many recipes for Altbier use a large percentage of Pilsner malt along with some Munich malt, but in this recipe Munich II as the base malt lends a fantastic malt presence that blends beautifully with the hops.

225 result(s) found.
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