Beer Style: Porter Family

Gordon Strong’s London Porter


This recipe took first place at the SODZ British Beer Festival, and is fairly straightforward. It is meant to be in the style of Fuller’s London Porter (my personal favorite), with brown malt being the key flavor ingredient. It was entered in the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) Brown Porter category.

Gordon Strong’s American Robust Porter


This is a more modern take on an American robust porter, although it probably falls in between the BJCP Brown Porter and Robust Porter categories. Note the general similarity with the second recipe in this collection. It also is a nice base beer for a smoked porter; add a half pound of German rauchmalz and lower the bitterness to about 25 IBUs. For a more ‘robust’ American version, double the black malt, add 2 more pounds (0.9 kg) of base malt, and increase the late hops.

Gordon Strong’s Classic American Porter


This is my take on the lagered porters of the Northeast, in the style of Yuengling. It’s important to not have an overtly roasted flavor; licorice-type flavors are desirable, but not burnt. A less bitter version of this beer without the crystal malt will do nicely as a Dark American Lager. It might work in the Brown Porter category, but entering it as a Specialty Beer would work too.

Gordon Strong’s Baltic Porter


Gordon Strong used a variation of this recipe to win an NHC gold , blending it with a sweet blackberry mead to make a Blackberry Baltic Porter. The base beer is delicious on its own, and is a scaled up version of a Carnegie-style porter that won several medals on its own.

Oskar Blues Brewery’s Death by Coconut clone


This porter is packed full of intense malt flavor and then infused with pure liquid cacao and loads of dried coconut. A balance of intensities!

Papa Don’s Brown (English) Porter By Christopher LaSpada


BOS-winning homebrew recipe, brewed by Christopher LaSpada. Winner of New Jersey State Fair (Augusta, New Jersey: 340 entries)

Jolly Roger Double Mocha Porter


Jolly Roger Double Mocha Porter by Dave Rawlins (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.062  FG = 1.016 IBU = 45 ABV = 6.0% Ingredients 11 lbs. (5.0 kg) Maris Otter pale

Smoked Porter


Smoked Porter (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.065   FG = 1.016 IBU = 31   SRM = 39  ABV = 6.5% Ingredients 7.7 lbs. (3.5 kg) American 2-row (2 °L) 2.6 lbs.

Big Al Brewing Company’s Smoked Porter clone


Big Al Brewing Company’s Smoked Porter clone (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) OG = 1.056 FG = 1.012 IBU = 44 SRM = 45 ABV = 5.8% Ingredients 3.3 lbs. (1.5

“The Bellhop” (Raspberry Porter)


A middle-of-the-road porter, with raspberries. The flavor and aroma of porter dominate this brew, but both are rounded out with raspberry notes. A fruit beer that even a guy can enjoy, but one that also says, “Hey Ladies!”

Fourth Quarter Porter


A more highly-attenuated, less caramel-sweet version of a brown porter. A firm, but not overpowering, roast character takes center stage on this balanced, drinkable ale. A brown porter with the session beer sensibilities of a dark mild or dry stout. Invite a few buddies over — even the ones who “don’t like dark beers” — and this keg of porter will kick by the fourth quarter.

Paranthropus Porter


A robust porter with a nice balance between the sharp bite of black patent malt and hop bitterness. Chocolate notes mingle with English hops in the nose. This won first place in the dark beer category of the Austin ZEALOTS 2004 Homebrew Inquisition. Do not skip making the yeast starter as the beer will not attenuate properly without it.

107 result(s) found.