Beer Style: Porter Family

Gato Negro


This beer placed second in the PALEALES homebrew club’s Valentine’s Day themed homebrew competition. “It was a black beauty of a beer with a thick, café au lait head and a rounded milk chocolate flavor.”

Regan Dillon Porter


“This was my first porter recipe!” — Jamil Zainasheff

Robust Porter


Roasty, hoppy, frequently with a healthy dose of caramel sweetness, robust porter is a dark, satisfying brew.

Black Passion Porter


Porters are easy beers to make, partly because the style is subject to widely variant interpretations. Much might depend, for example, on whether you plan to brew an 18th century porter or a contempory version. A porter from the 1750s, for instance, might be called an “Imperial Stout” these days. Porters are slightly less full-bodied than stouts (when brewed by the same brewer) but they are still very full-flavored brews. Small variations may not be easily noticed, so it’s a forgiving style.
– Byron Burch, The Beverage People — Santa Rosa, California

Tod’s Boisterous Porter


A trip back to Victorian England for the birth of robust porter complete with tips and recipes.

BridgePort Brewing Company: Pub Porter clone


BridgePort’s dark and malty porter is only sold on draught at their Portland, Oregon pub.

RCH Brewery’s Old Slug Porter clone


A session-style English brown porter that despite its low gravity has deep flavors of dark chocolate, blackcurrant and tawny port. One of the very best brown porters of which most people have never heard of.

Parascalops Porter (Mole Porter)


Parascalops? Mole? What the hell!? Mole (pronounced MOH-lay) poblano is a sauce made with cocoa, nuts, chili peppers and other spices.

Teddy Porter (Coffee Porter)


No, not Taddy Porter, Teddy Porter — as in Teddy Roosevelt. In 1907, Teddy Roosevelt reputedly first uttered the words “good to the last drop,” which became Maxwell House’s slogan. Modern historians dispute this, however, claiming that the line was really written by an ad executive. One thing beyond dispute is that you’ll be sad to see the last drop of this beer go.

Cacao Puffs Porter (Chocolate Porter)


What goes great with chocolate? How about more chocolate? This beer combines chocolate malt, cocoa powder and cacao nibs for a massive chocolate flavor and aroma. A high mash temperature and relatively large dose of crystal malt yield a sweet, full-bodied beer.

Molasses-Kissed Vanilla Porter


A sweet porter accentuated with the aroma and flavor of vanilla. Recipe from James Spencer from Basic Brewing Radio and Video (

Stone Brewing Company’s Darth Porter clone


“Don’t be afraid to use a barrel that has already been through many uses. There is more to the barrel aging process than extracting wood and bourbon, brandy or wine flavors.”
— Mitch Steele

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