September 2013
Mow the Damn Lawn
When a summer thirst quencher is what you are looking for . . . look no further. This is the recipe that made Annie Johnson the 2013 Homebrewer of the Year.
Double Pipe Wort Chiller
In double pipe heat exchangers, one fluid flows inside a pipe and a second fluid flows in another pipe that surrounds the first in a concentric tube construction. It is similar to the commonly used coiled counterflow chiller, but instead of using a continuous length of a double pipe, the length of the heat exchanger is split in short, straight sections that can be cleaned with a pipe brush and mild chemicals.
Attenuation & Flocculation for Beginners
So you’ve finished the boil, cooled the wort, pitched your yeast and put your fermenter in a quiet place to let the yeast do what it does best — turn that wort
Theory and Practice of Lautering
Lautering is the act of separating sweet wort from spent grains. The act of lautering wort is physically very similar to filtration. The flow of wort through a grain bed can be
Brewing Consistently
“Play it again Sam” This quote is often used, but actually was never said in the film Casablanca (look it up if you don’t believe me). I have used it here because
Reusing Homebrew Yeast
As the popularity of homebrewing has grown over the last 20 to 25 years, so has the availability of quality brewing ingredients, especially yeast. Gone are the days when old school hobbyists
Homebrew Yeast Pitching Rates
“Brewers make wort, yeast make beer.” It’s a saying I’ve cited so many times over the years, I’d have stopped repeating it long ago if I didn’t like the sound of my
Brewer’s Yeast & Brett Fermentation Flavors
Yeast cultures have flavor. Ever tried one? An unfiltered beer with yeast in it therefore will have yeast flavor. But what about filtered beers? Yes, those beers have yeast-derived flavors too. Yeasts
Mash Mixers & Batch Sparging: Mr. Wizard
Q I used to get 75-80% mash extract efficiency with my previous equipment but I have been getting at least 90% since I started using my homemade mash mixer. I have read
Los Muertos Brewing’s Agave Maria Amber Ale: Replicator
Dear Replicator, My wife and i visited Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in early March. I figured I could survive on Bohemia and Negro Modelo, so You can imagine my surprise that there was
Mr. Wizard
Mash Efficiency, Mash Mixing
The Wiz discusses the merits of mash mixers and offers some tips for fine-tuning your sparge.
Brewing with Brett: Tips from the Pros
Two pros dish on the wild Brettanomyces