Recipe Type: Extract Only

197 result(s).

New Realm Brewing Co.’s Elani Cold IPA clone


This is the first recipe Geoff Belcher, Head Brewer at New Realm Brewing Co.’s Charleston, South Carolina, location brewed with Elani® as it provides a clean slate for the hop. The resulting beer is bursting with citrus and stone fruit flavors and aromas.

KISS Barleywine


This barleywine gets all of its fermentable sugars from malt extract. It’s easier and much less time-consuming than brewing all-grain barleywine.

Gordon Strong’s Belgian Dubbel


Belgian dubbel will always have a place in Gordon Strong’s heart because it’s the first style he brewed all-grain many years ago. While the style hasn’t really changed since then, his approach to brewing this dry, dark, malty beer that gets a lot of its character from the estery/spicy yeast character has.

Russian River Brewing Co.’s Blind Pig IPA clone


“My first version of Blind Pig IPA was in 1994 at my very first brewery, Blind Pig Brewing Company, which was located in Temecula, California. This recipe originated from my homebrew days starting in 1989. Years later after Natalie and I took over Russian River Brewing Company from my former employer, Korbel Champagne Cellars, we were able to obtain the trademark for Blind Pig IPA so we brought her back to life.” – Vinnie Cilurzo

Russian River Brewing Co.’s Pliny the Elder clone


We first made Pliny the Elder in 1999, initially for a Double IPA festival at The Bistro in beautiful downtown Hayward, California. Previous to that, in 1994 I had made what is now considered to be the first modern double IPA in recent brewing history. So making a big, over-the-top IPA was not something new to me. In 2004, after Natalie and I took over Russian River Brewing Company . . . Pliny the Elder became a year-round beer and quickly became our top selling beer, which it still is today. – Vinnie Cilurzo

Russian River Brewing Co.’s STS Pils clone


Because STS is dry hopped using European-type hops, it would technically be classified as an Italian-style Pilsner. However, if you read the side label on the STS Pils can, it says it is a Keller-style Pilsner as we treat it as an unfiltered beer, leaving a little yeast and haze behind. – Vinnie Cilurzo

Russian River Brewing Co.’s Happy Hops clone


As hazy IPAs were gaining popularity, and before Russian River had brewed Mind Circus, our hazy IPA, I wanted to see if I could brew a beer that had all the juicy notes of a hazy IPA, but that was clear to the look. So Happy Hops became what I jokingly called our, “not so hazy, hazy IPA.” It is more of a progressive/modern IPA in that it has a lower bitterness compared to our other IPAs, but it carries lots of rich, juicy hop notes due to backloading the whirlpool with a sizable hop addition as well as a good size dry hop charge. – Vinnie Cilurzo

Deviant Wolfe Brewing Co.’s Norwegian Wizard Crisis clone


This hazy IPA is a staple in Deviant Wolfe’s lineup that relies on kveik yeast for a quick, warm fermentation. There are significant hops additions, all of which come post-boil.

Gordon Strong’s Eisbock


The secret of eisbock is the freeze concentration, transforming the beer from one style into another.

Gordon Strong’s German Pilsner


This German Pilsner recipe can be used as a template for any hoppy Pilsner. Replace bittering hops with a first wort hop addition of a flavor hop, move flavor and aroma hops to the whirlpool or dry hopping, and alter the variety of hops to match the target profile for the style.

Gordon Strong’s Gruit


Balancing the bitterness and spices can be difficult due to unknown freshness and potency, so be prepared to make infusions (teas) to tweak the balance once the beer is finished.

Basic Cacao Nib Tincture


If you want to use a chocolate extract, Drew tends to make his own to control the flavor and strip the fat. Here is the recipe.

197 result(s) found.
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