Writer: Ashton Lewis

Carbonation Issues, Excess Foaming, and Mash Thickness


A homebrewer new to kegging pours his first beer a week after packaging only to find a flat beer. Mr. Wizard has some advice to speed up the process as well as for a homebrewer with the opposite problem of excess foaming. Also, learn the importance of mash thickness.

The Importance of Mash Thickness


Nice to know that our readers are also watching our video content online. Mash thickness is one of those things that many a brewer takes for granted because it simply lacks many

Methods To Speed a Slow Forced Carbonation


The two most likely causes of your observation is that your beer is not carbonated to your liking or that the aggressive pour knocked enough carbon dioxide out of your beer that

All-In-One Brewing System Advice


The Anvil Foundry is one of several mash-boil combination systems on the market using a removable cylinder with perforated bottom section to contain the mash. In contrast to the old school mash

Crafting Flavorful Hard Seltzers


Thanks for the fun question, Skip! Now that seltzers have been around for a couple of years, brewers have figured out that the best way to make clean bases is to pitch

Utilizing A Brewing Water Calculator


Me and my big fingers! Did I type some words about my water tool? While it’s tempting to geek out with water math, I’ll try to keep this answer informative without jumping

Water Ways, Fermenting Seltzers, And All-In-One Brew Systems


A good water calculator makes pH adjustments and salt additions much easier and predictable. Mr. Wizard explains his calculator and shares tips for both making flavorful hard seltzers and a first-time brewer on an all-in-one brew system

Developing a Brewing Calculator


I also consider developing my own calculation tools a key part of my hobby and, previously, part of my job as a commercial brewer. I have a pretty handy collection of calculations

Accidentally Frozen Beer


The good news is that frozen kegs can be saved! I hope you decided to keep your beers, let them thaw, and enjoyed them post arctic chill. Accidentally freezing beers is a

Overly Foaming Draft Beer


Your problem is caused by overcarbonation that is slowly occurring over time. Let’s dig into what you are observing over time beginning with your method of carbonation. Based on your question, I

Digging Into Sparge Water Temperatures


A Hi, Barney. Based on your question I am assuming you are either relatively new to all-grain brewing or starting to question basic practices brewers follow. One thing I wish I knew

Sparge Temperatures, Overcarbonation, Frozen Beer, and Brewing Calculations


Brewers often have a specific routine when it comes to lautering their mash. But in reality it’s a very forgiving process. Mr. Wizard provides his thoughts on this key step as well as overcarbonated kegs, a frozen beer crisis, and brewing calculations

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