Writer: Tom Fuller
Counterpressure Bottle Filler
Kegging is convenient. it eliminates the bottling process, and cuts out days of carbonating time. When you bring a keg to a friend’s house, however, you’re bringing a lot of beer. The more beer you bring, the more beer the friends drink. You may never get a full glass for yourself. These are the times that call for bottles.
Maple Porter
Maple Porter (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) OG = 1.080 FG = 1.016 IBU = 35 SRM = 40 ABV = 8.4% Ingredients 6.6 lbs. (3 kg) light malt extract syrup
Get Your Yeast Straight From The Bottle
Culturing yeast from your favorite commercial beer can be a critical step to making your clone hit its mark.
Wheats of the World
From traditional Bavarian weisse to American wheat, six tasty ways to make refreshing wheat beer. Includes a starter recipe for your own experiments.
Create Your Own Great Porter
Do you remember the movie “Johnny Dangerously”? Johnny walks into his mother’s apartment and asks, “Whatcha cookin’ Ma?” His mother says “Beer.” Johnny replies, “With noodles, good idea.” This seemed funny at
Keep Your Brewhouse in Peak Form
Your home brewery is much the same as many small craft- and microbreweries. You share the same goal with commercial breweries: to make good-tasting, clean beer. You are also using much of
The Key to Better Lager: Cornelius Kegs!
Build this simple set-up to gain control over fermentation temperature and improve the taste of your lager.