Beer Style: American Strong Ale

Includes American-style barleywines, wheatwines as well as several barrel-aged beer.

30 result(s).

Jack and Ken’s Ale — Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Ale Collaboration clone


Sierra Nevada put together this recipe in collaboration with Jack McAuliffe from New Albion Brewing (1976–1982) in Sonoma, California using raw materials available in the late 1970s. This was one of four Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Collaboration Ales.

Rock Art Brewery’s The Vermonster clone


This is an American-style barleywine first brewed by Rock Art Brewery (Morrisville, Vermont) as its 10th anniversary beer and soon made into a regular offering. The malts contribute a caramel note and hide the taste of the alcohol.

East End Brewing Co.’s Gratitude clone


East End Brewing (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) brews this American-style barleywine as an anniversary beer each November, and then bottle conditions and hand packages them.

Anchorage Brewing Co.’s A Deal with the Devil clone


This massive American-style barleywine from Anchorage Brewing (Anchorage, Alaska) utilizes only one hop variety and loads of malt to ring in at 17% ABV. Anchorage ages it for 11 months in Cognac barrels.

Glacier Brewhouse: Imperial Blonde Ale clone


This light-colored American strong ale from Anchorage, Alaska is malty, creamy and smooth. Also known as Ice Axe Ale.

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.’s Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale clone


“First introduced in the winter of 1983, Bigfoot is a cult-classic beer brewed in the barleywine style, meaning a strong, robust, bruiser of a beer with the refined intensity of a wine.”

Empire Brewing Company: American Strong Ale clone


“This ale is bold, hoppy, and complex with chocolate and roasted malts adding a full malty character. The strong American hops balance the beer with an aggressive bitterness, followed by a fruity hop flavor and a full hop aroma.”

Brooklyn Brewery: Brooklyn Monster Ale clone


Discountinued in 2013, Brooklyn Monster Ale was first brewed in 1997 and was a legend in its time as one of the early American-brewed barleywines. It was midway between the old British barleywine style and more modern variants. Much of this beer’s essential character comes from the use of Maris Otter floor malts, but the residual sugar was relatively low.

Anchor Brewing Company: Anchor Old Foghorn (1st Runnings)


Old Foghorn is brewed using the parti-gyle method, which is brewing two batches of beer by separating the first and second runnings to create two distinct beers — one high gravity, one lower gravity. Old Foghorn is the beer made from the first runnings. Small Beer is the beer made from the second runnings.

Alesmith Brewing Co.: Old Numbskull clone


There are American barleywines, and then there are West Coast–style American barleywines—and if you like big beers, Old Numbskull doesn’t disappoint. Packed with caramel and toffee notes, this copper-colored ale boasts an aggressive bitterness.

Great Divide Brewing Company: Old Ruffian clone


Old Ruffian is a hefty, hop-forward barleywine with subtle fruit aromas and complex caramel sweetness.

Glacier BrewHouse’s Imperial Blonde Ale: Replicator


Dear Replicator, I will be retiring as a Boeing 777 captain for a major package delivery company soon, and one fine establishment that was a regular stop for me was Glacier BrewHouse

30 result(s) found.