Topic: All Grain Brewing

Lautering Efficiency


All-grain brewers are always talking about brewing efficiency — how much wort they yield from their mash into the boil kettle. There are two components to brewing efficiency: mashing efficiency and lautering

No-Sparge Brewing


A quest of mine to brew a flavorful but quaffable session ale was coming up short. I was getting wonderfully high extract efficiencies, near 90%, but my ordinary bitters, milds and Scottish

Batch Sparging


For homebrewers first getting into all-grain brewing, the terminology, technology and wide variety of methods can be confusing. Simplifying the process, especially for the first few all-grain batches, is important. All of

Troubleshooting a Stuck Sparge


Tactics for helping your wort go with the flow.

A Guide to Lautering


Considering how important it is to the brewing process, lautering (also known as sparging) doesn’t get much respect. Many brewers see it as simply the process of rinsing grains. They give it

Water Treatments


Water is the main ingredient of beer. The many different styles of beer we have today evolved for many different reasons, not the least of which is the chemistry of the local

Understanding pH


The level of pH in your mash, wort, and beer affects processes from enzyme function to hop extraction to yeast vitality. Under­standing pH helps you manipulate pH levels for great-tasting beer. But



Get mashing with less equipment and steps

Making the Most of Your Mash


Refine your mashing variables and fine tune your technique.

Mash Programs


Single infusion, step mashing, decoction — and beyond



Control your crush for better extraction and lautering.

Extract to All-Grain


Adapt your favorite extract recipes to brew with grains, or convert your all-grain recipes over to extract.

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