Writer: Drew Beechum & Denny Conn
Decoction Flavors without Decocting
Decoction mashing offers a unique flavor and quality to a beer, but it is also tedious. There are a few ways to mimic the attributes of decoction mashing without actually going through the labor-intensive steps.
Conserving Water
Despite all the pithy bumper sticker jokes about “Save Water, Drink Beer!” the truth is that brewing beer is a terribly inefficient and water wasteful process. Between growing, cleaning, mashing, sanitizing, chilling — it takes many, many times the volume of water as beer produced. Here are some pointers to conserve water in the brewing process.
Dip Hopping Techniques
Dip hopping maximizes good aromas while suppressing off-aromas. Learn how to do this technique at a homebrew scale to get the most from your hops.
You Dip, I Dip, We Dip West Coast Pilsner
This West Coast Pilsner is meant to showcase the twin powers of the all-around craft hop – Citra – and the power of dip hopping. This is a crisp, quick pilsner with a zippy hop presence that leans into the more tropical citrus and pineapple notes of Citra. Don’t have the ability to lager? Choose your favorite neutral ale yeast and ferment as cool as you can. It won’t be as “lager polished” but it will still be tasty!
Understanding Water Reports
Adjusting your water to accentuate the beer style you are brewing begins with understanding what is already in the water you use. One of the easiest places to start is with your local water report that should have all of the information you are in search of, with some important caveats.
Yeast on Repeat
There are many reasons homebrewers may want to reuse yeast, starting with cost savings. And there are also many ways to do it, from easy methods such as immediate reuse, to careful collection and storage. Learn more about how to get the most from your yeast, batch after batch.
Wort Chilling Advice
Actively chilling wort after the boil is complete is an optional task that often requires a lot of water. Learn why we generally try to rapidly chill our wort, the methods and equipment utilized, and some best techniques when using the various systems homebrewers have devised.
Basic Cacao Nib Tincture
If you want to use a chocolate extract, Drew tends to make his own to control the flavor and strip the fat. Here is the recipe.
Infusing Chocolate and Coffee to Your Brew
Chocolate and coffee are two adjuncts that are stalwarts in the craft beer world. Denny and Drew have used them both extensively and are here to share their advice to making the best use of them.
Learn How to Smoke Your Beers
Beer produced with smoked malts don’t need to be smoke bombs. Learn to craft your own smoked malts and use them in recipes.
Concept Beers
Once your mind is set on brewing a new take on a beer, the next step is to design the recipe. Drew and Denny offer up their best advice on taking a concept for a beer and making it become a reality via the most direct route.