Beer Style: English Bitter, Mild, and Pale Ale
Archers Golden Bitter clone
Archers Golden is a superb ale that has won a number of awards. Sadly, at the time of writing, Archers is under administration so the future of their Swindon brewery is in some doubt. We can only hope that a buyer is found for the brewery so that brewing of their fine ales may continue.
St. Peter’s Brewery’s Organic Best Bitter clone
According to St. Peter’s website, “A traditional best bitter ale brewed with Pale and Crystal malts and Goldings aroma hops, resulting in a full-bodied amber coloured ale. Distinctive caramel notes, with nutty and roasted aromas lead to a bitter, but sweet taste.”
Speedway Brewing Co.’s Speedy Kiwi 5.6 ESB clone
Speedway Brewing closed its doors in 2010, but we do still have the recipe for their Speedy Kiwi ESB. While it is based on the English style, it comes with its own American twist.
BruRm @ BAR’s Raven Haired Beauty clone
An English dark mild ale with notes of toffee and coffee in the aroma and a nutty finish.
Banks’s Mild Ale clone
The world’s best selling mild ale, an English dark mild with nice caramel and roasted nut malt character.
Big Rock Brewery: Warthog Ale clone
Warthog Ale is a crossbreed of a British pale mild ale and an American cream ale. It’s a lighter-bodied beer, with some crystal malt for a bit of a malty flavor and relatively low hop bitterness. The description on the Big Rock Website also states that this beer has some resemblance to British brown ales, with a nutty finish.
Shipyard Brewing Company: Export Ale clone
This export strength North American golden ale has a hint of sweetness up front, a subtle yet distinctive hop taste, and clean finish.
Crooked River Brewing Co. Settler’s Ale ESB clone
This English style extra special bitter gets the American hop treatment with a big boost of Cascade.
Wells and Young’s Ltd: Young’s Special London Ale clone
Young’s Special London Ale is a well-balanced, bottle conditioned premium bitter brewed with 100% British ingredients.
Bass & Co’s Pale Ale clone
Michael Jackson claims that Bass uses a single addition of Challenger and Northdown hops. This is an attempt to clone the bottle version found in the United States.
Merriman Old Fart clone
Sadly, Merriman’s Brewery in Leeds is apparently no longer brewing. The information that I have for this beer is: OG: 1.050. Malt bill: Halcyon pale malt, crystal malt, wheat malt, pale chocolate malt, roast barley. Hops: Liberty, Progress. IBU: 32. When one has no information about malt bill proportions, the only option is to guess. However, we are aware of the usual style guideline ranges for using specialty grains, so we can use these as a starting point.
Oakhill Brewery’s Yeoman Strong Ale clone
The Oakhill Brewery in Somerset closed down when the owner retired. This beer has obviously been renamed during its history and the information that I have for it is: OG: 1.049–1.050. Malt bill: 91.5% Triumph or Halcyon pale malt, 8.5% crystal malt. Hops: Bramling Cross, Challenger, Fuggles, Goldings. In this case, we have malt bill proportions, but no IBU, so again we have to guess. However, style guidelines are a good guide to expected ballpark IBU.