September 1997
Munich Dark Lager
At one time probably all the beers of Munich were dark lagers. Prior to modern malting technology, maltsters kilned their malt by allowing the hot fumes from burning wood or coal to
Wort Cooling: Tips from the Pros
Brewer: Ed Falkenstein Brewery: Palmetto Brewing Co., Charleston, S.C. Years of experience: Four Education: B.S. in chemistry, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa.; M.S. in chemical engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. House
Clean-In-Place System for Kegs
Homebrewers who have graduated to kegs generally agree that kegs stand head and shoulders above bottles in convenience and ease of cleaning. But even cleaning kegs can be a pain in the
Feel the Mash Heat
When I look at my mash tun, I feel a sense of pride. When I withdraw my floating thermometer from the infusion of water and malt and it reads 150° F, I
Make Wine at Home
I’m not really much of a gambling man (unless you count owning a small business). If I were a gambler, though, I’d have a sucker bet to offer anyone foolish enough to
Sierra Nevada Brewmaster
Steve Dresler just may have the perfect job as brewmaster of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. in Chico, Calif.
Malt Madness: Specialty Grains
Ten years ago a top notch retailer’s selection of supplies probably included a couple dozen British extracts and kits, a couple of German ones, and one or two American brands; eight to