
2187 result(s) found.

Make Your Winemaking Mixes Match


Make your mixes match.

Old Ale


Old ales are strong, almost always dark ales that are sometimes known as strong ales. They are English in origin and range from the Eldridge Pope brewery’s famed Thomas Hardy’s ale, which

15 Tips


These low-tech but innovative homebrewing tips put the fun back in functional. Realize the brewing potential of your kids’ marbles, the livingroom rug, and Grandma’s holiday Jell-O mold.

Reinheitsgebot: Behind the German Beer Purity Law


The Reinheitsgebot is more than an ad slogan. It’s a historical document that says a lot about the development of German-style brewing.

Choosing Hops


Hops occupy an exalted place among the building blocks that make a great beer. There’s something special about an ingredient that can make a beer bitter and give it a delicate aroma,

Find a Carboy and Fill It: How to Rack


Racking (frustraticus transferius) is one of the most valuable skills the habitual homebrewer can possess. It is a very important part of the entire process, for the sake of beer clarity and

Take Heart with Winter Warmers


These seasonal beers were traditionally served to warm the body and soul with their herbs, spices, and high alcohol content. Recipes included for spruce beer, wassail, and a brew to fight off Old Man Winter.

Take Control with Partial Mashing


If you are looking for a sure-fire way to make great homebrew without the commitment of a full mash, consider the benefits of partial mashing. For a modest investment of time and

Taking Control of Malolactic Fermentation with your Wine


Most wine, under the right conditions, naturally goes through the chain of reactions called malolactic fermentation. Today, many home and commercial winemakers employ malolactic fermentation, though they also can prevent it if

Scottish Ale


Scottish ale is a category that encompasses four main types of beers. They are light, heavy, export, and strong — often known as Scotch ale rather than Scottish. In older days these

How to Choose the Best Yeast


As brewers we take great consideration in selecting the ingredients we use for our recipes, because it is the recipe that defines the beer we make. Developing the recipe and deciding which

The Best Mash Program


The mashing process is the key to all-grain brewing. During the mash, hot water breaks down the long-chain carbohydrates and proteins provided by malt into simpler, smaller units that serve as food

2187 result(s) found.