Beer Style: Amber Lager Family
by the numbers OG:1.050–1.056 (12.4–13.8 °P) FG:1.012–1.016 (3.1–4.1 °P) SRM: 7–14 IBU:20–28 ABV:4.8–5.7% People often ask me, “What is your favorite style?” I tell them that I love all of the styles,
Vienna Lager
by the numbers OG: 1.046–1.052 (11.4–12.9 °P) FG: 1.010–1.014 (2.6–3.6 °P) SRM: 10–16 IBU: 18–30 ABV: 4.5–5.5% If you are a beer geek, certainly you know the name Anton Dreher. It was
Brewing Oktoberfest
The first Oktoberfest was brewed to celebrate the wedding of King Ludwig I to Princess Maria Therese in 1810. Ever since, the beer has been brewed to commemorate the annual event that
Hofbräuhaus Oktoberfestbier clone
All the Munich breweries prepare an Oktoberfest for the celebration. The Hofbräuhaus, which means “Royal Court Brewery,” is probably the most famous of the city’s breweries. In fact, the Hofbräuhaus may be the most famous brewery, beer garden and beer hall in the world.
Hofbräuhaus Oktoberfest has a creamy, tight, off-white head and a luscious amber color. The nose is aromatic malt the palate is smooth, with intense malt and nutty, bread-like nuances. The finish is one of semi-sweet malt.
Beano® Braü
Need to brew an Ultra low carb batch of beer? No reason the stop homebrewing just because you want to keep track of your carbohydrate intake. We’ve got a recipe for those who are counting their calories utilizing Beano® to help consume extra carbohydrates found in beer.
Oktoberfest / Märzen
OG = 1.050 to 1.064 FG =1.012 to 1.016 IBUs = 20 to 30 SRM = 7 to 14 Oktoberfests are intensely appealing. They are best described as liquid bread, with the
Al Capone’s Beer Recipe from Chicago 1924
A recipe from a brewery that supposedly owned by Al Capone.
Classic American Pilsner
Jamil Zainasheff’s lays down a CAP recipe for brewers to try their hand at. Be sure to use fresh hops and keep a close eye on the fermentation temperature.
Brewing with Corn
Macro lagers aren’t the only beers that benefit from the addition of corn (maize). Learn how it can benefit homebrewers too!
Czech Dunkel Recipe
A smooth drinking Dunkel, brewed using The Brülosophy Method of fast lager fermentations.
RPB’s Lede Lager
RPB’s Lede Lager (5 gallon/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.060 FG = 1.014 IBU = 62 SRM = 13 ABV = 6.2% Ingredients 9 lbs. (4.1 kg) 2-row pale malt 2.5 lbs.