Beer Style: Mead

46 result(s).

Saint-Valentine’s Metheglin


Is cinnamon an aphrodisiac?  Lets find out…

Beer Style(s):

Kiwi-Strawberry Melomel


Melomel = mead with added fruit.  This is a great substitute for dry champagne.

Beer Style(s):

Sparkling Cyser


A thirst-quenching but deceptively strong sparkling brew. Darker than most, because of the cider. Serve chilled.

Still of the Night Mead


A light, still straight mead, similar to a sweet white wine. Perfect as an aperitif or with dessert.

Rocky Mountain Red Metheglin


We found that hummingbirds loved Celestial Seasonings’ Red Zinger tea. Once we tasted this metheglin, we knew why!

Beer Style(s):

Honey in a Glass


How to make a batch of mead, a classic fermented beverage that’s been around – and been enjoyed – for at least six thousand years. With simple recipes, step-by-step instructions and a guide to different kinds of honey, from clover to orange blossom and tupelo.



Partial mash with honey and fruit juice.



Golden colored, full-bodied, smooth, and rich. An ale to be aged well, saved for special occasions, and even then to be savored slowly.

Funky Mead — Metheglin


Mead is, of course, easier to brew than beer, although it takes much longer for it to become drinkable, 13 months in this case. Part Belgian witbier, part mead, this is a nice introduction to the world of spiced meads, known as methglin.

Beer Style(s):

Mead: The Most Noble Brew


Is there a brew that conjures up more images than mead? Whether you associate it with ancient druids, pre-Roman civilizations of central Europe, Vikings, Teutonic raiders, Celts ancient or modern, it is

46 result(s) found.