Beer Style: Pale Ale Family

Timothy Taylor Brewery: Landlord clone


According to the brewery’s website: “A strong classic ale with a golden amber colour. It has a scent of caramel, light fruits and roasted malt hints.”

Timothy Taylor Brewery: Boltmaker clone


Formerly known as Best Bitter, this classic English bitter was renamed in 2012 but retains its classic copper/amber color, citrus and fruity hop character, and a roasted, malty bitter finish.

Coach House: Post Horn Premium Ale clone


This extra special bitter pours a gold color and features a light, floral hop aroma.

Anchor Brewing Company: Anchor Small Beer clone (2nd Runnings)


This beer is brewed using the second runnings from a batch of Old Foghorn. Estimating the efficiency in such a scenario is quite challenging so be prepared to make some gravity adjustments upwards with dried malt extract or downwards by dumping some wort and topping off with water.

Worth Brewing Co.’ Belgian Grand Cru clone


Iowa has a 5% alcohol by weight (ABW) limit — this works out to just over 6% alcohol by volume — for native brewers, so Belgian ales are a challenge. Here is a favorite that hits the limit but isn’t quite as strong as most Belgian ales. — Peter Ausenhus

Red Rock Brewing Co.’s Pecome Blonde clone


This beer has since been retired, but you can still brew up this Belgian blonde ale with this recipe. Feel free to allow fermentation temperature to rise if you would like the yeast to be more expressive.

The Lost Abbey: Devotion Ale clone


This Belgian-style blonde ale is light bodied and hop driven. It has a low level of yeast phenols and instead a lot of the spicy character comes from the aromatic hops.

Archers Golden Bitter clone


Archers Golden is a superb ale that has won a number of awards. Sadly, at the time of writing, Archers is under administration so the future of their Swindon brewery is in some doubt. We can only hope that a buyer is found for the brewery so that brewing of their fine ales may continue.

Goose Island’s Summertime Kölsch clone


According to Goose Island’s website, “With a light fruity aroma and a bright, crisp finish, Goose Island Summertime Kölsch is the perfect summer session ale. A Kölsch beer brewed in the traditional German fashion, you’ll find yourself enjoying and savoring each sip of Summertime as much as your do those hot summer days and cool summer nights.”

Summit Brewing Company: Summit Extra Pale Ale clone


First brewed in 1984, this English-style pale ale is bronze in color with caramel, biscuit malts balanced by an earthy hop bite and juicy, citrus flavors.

St. Peter’s Brewery’s Organic Best Bitter clone


According to St. Peter’s website, “A traditional best bitter ale brewed with Pale and Crystal malts and Goldings aroma hops, resulting in a full-bodied amber coloured ale. Distinctive caramel notes, with nutty and roasted aromas lead to a bitter, but sweet taste.”

Speedway Brewing Co.’s Speedy Kiwi 5.6 ESB clone


Speedway Brewing closed its doors in 2010, but we do still have the recipe for their Speedy Kiwi ESB. While it is based on the English style, it comes with its own American twist.

225 result(s) found.
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