Writer: Drew Jackson
Smocadh (Bamberg-style rauchbier)
This rauchbier recipe is courtesy of my brewing partner, Fernando López Angulo. The smoked malt adds a smoky complexity without overpowering the other flavors. While Fernando uses a smoke gun and a variety of tinctures and oils to dial in his smoke profile, this recipe is a good starting point. If you are new to brewing smoked beer, experimentation may be needed to dial in the smoke level for your particular palate. Due to the large percentage of smoked malt, this recipe does not translate well to extract-based brewing.
Aussie-Style DIPA
This dip-hopped double IPA is one of the most unusual flavor profiles I have ever made. The dip hop mix produces flavors very much like white wine.
Get the Most from Kveik Yeast
Kveik yeast is unlike any other species of brewing yeast. It ferments clean at hot temperatures even if underpitched, and it can easily be dried at home with no noticeable impact. An author with about 50 kveik-
fermented batches under his belt shares how to get the most from these yeasts, including advice on propagating, harvesting, drying, and reusing kveik.
Simple Temperature Control
In a hobby where so many pieces of equipment serve a single purpose, it’s satisfying to find items that can serve many functions. With a heat mat and temperature controller, the opportunities are aplenty.