Writer: Thom Cannell

30 result(s).

Isle of Man


With just four breweries producing beer for 80,000 residents, Isle of Man in the North Sea is an offshoot in United Kingdom beer culture. It now finds itself at a point where new-age beers and historic styles live side-by-side. Learn about the brewing culture and techniques, plus 3 Isle of Man clone recipes.

Old Laxey Brewing Co.’s Bosun Bitter Clone


Old Laxey Brewing Co.’s Bosun Bitter Clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.036   FG = 1.007 IBU = 30   SRM = 11   ABV = 3.8% While the gravity

Hooded Ram Brewing Co.’s Mosaic clone


Hooded Ram Brewing Co.’s Mosaic clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.043  FG = 1.005 IBU =  22  SRM = 5  ABV = 4.9% This is a relatively simple beer, one designed to

Okell’s Brewery’s Mild clone


Okell’s Brewery’s Mild clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.029    FG = 1.006 IBU = 12   SRM = 10   ABV = 3% Ingredients 5 lbs. (2.3 kg) Golden

Build an Open Fermenter: Projects


Buckets and carboys are the most common homebrew fermenters. For those open to experimentation, however, we present our open fermenter project, in which we prove it’s hip to be square.

Build a Cast Tap Handle: Projects


With the help of a casting kit, you can play with clay and turn your sculpture into a custom killer tap handle for your homebrew.

Build a Transparent In-Line Aerator: Projects


Build an aeration system that you can see right through.

Building a Weldless Boil Kettle or Mash Tun


Turn a Sanke keg into a boil kettle or mash tun without picking up a welder’s torch. Our solution for converting a kicked keg into a killer piece of brewing equipment.

Build a Multiple-Bottle Filler


A full 5-gallon (19-L) batch of homebrew requires filling 53 12-oz. (355 mL) bottles. What if you could fill more than one bottle at a time?

Build a Bottle/Carboy/Hose Sanitizing Sprayer: Projects


Our Project guy reworks his favorite project — a bottle sanitizing sprayer. Convert a Corny keg to a cool and useful gadget. that can handle a variety of your brewing equipment.

Build Two Hopbacks: Projects


Maximize hop aroma with one of our two simple hopbacks.

Build a Beer Engine: Projects


Move your brew without CO2? Now you can, too, if you build your own beer engine.

30 result(s) found.
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