Writer: BYO Staff

Bottling & Kegging


There are two popular options when it comes to packaging homebrew — bottling and kegging. For many, choosing between the two is a classic case of time vs. money. Bottling is fairly

T90 VS. T45 Hop Pellets, Light Struck Beer: Mr. Wizard


Q The effect of light on wort and beer I recently noticed that hop pellets are described as either T90 or T45. What do these values mean? What are the pros and

2016 Label Contest Winners


The BYO homebrew Label Contest turned 21 years old this year, and to help us celebrate its legal drinking age, our readers sent in what may have been the most artistic and

Build a Beer Flight Serving Tray


A variety of homebrewed beers on tap is a great way to impress your family and friends. But, when your guests have to drive home afterwards, they likely aren’t going to be

Brewing with Maple: Tips from the Pros


Nothing says spring in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and Canada like the sight of smoke and steam rising from sugar shacks. Many automatically envision drizzling the sweet maple syrup being boiled down

Recipe Development: Tips from the Pros


Finding a homebrew recipe isn’t difficult — we have printed hundreds in BYO over the years, for instance— but there is something about developing your own homebrew recipe that is always appealing.

Brewing with Fresh (Wet) Hops: Tips from the Pros


The window to use fresh hops (that have not been dried) is small, but the reward can be great. Here are some tips to help take advantage of what nature gives us.

Homebrew Hacks: Easy Projects


It is not just the quest for beer — or even the quest for really, really good beer — that has made the hobby of homebrewing so popular. It is also the

Brewing with Peppers: Tips from the Pros


When it comes to chili beer, the options are endless. What base beer style do you want as the backbone? What chili varieties will you use? When should you add them, and

Brewing with Spruce Tips: Tips from Pros


Spruce tips were common in Nordic and Scandinavian beers, and were used by colonists when hops could not be sourced (they also helped prevent scurvy). Over the past decade, Craft Brewers have

Beer . . . At School?


It started as a joke. In June 2013, at the end of school party at Istituto Maria Immacolata (an Italian Catholic school in Gorgonzola, near Milan, Italy) I said to a teacher,

Homebrewer’s Library: BYO Writers Pick Favorite Books


New beer books show up in the Brew Your Own mailbox every week, but not every book is an instant classic. We asked some of BYO’s longtime columnists — Ashton Lewis (“Mr.

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