Topic: Brewing Tips

Beating Summer’s Heat


Brewing outdoors in the summer can be uncomfortable and in some cases, even dangerous. We lay out tips for making it through summer’s heat with full fermenters.

SMaSH Brewing


SMaSH stands for Single Malt and Single Hop recipe design. SMaSH takes the idea of simplicity in brewing to its logical extreme — by limiting the brewer to one malt, one hop

Homebrewery Design


John Blichmann offers advice for setting up a homebrewery area that includes thought for practical brewing, storage, and maneuverability.

The Cool New Style: Cold IPA


Cold IPA is the latest IPA sub-style sweeping the nation (and beyond). It features a grain bill that includes adjuncts to dry out the finish and is often fermented warm with a lager yeast, making cold IPA the perfect style to showcase hops. A couple of pros, including the brewer who invented the style, share their advice and clone recipes.

Controlling Oxidation in Kegged Beer


Oxidation makes beer taste stale or old. It has been the focus of brewery research for decades and is a very well-understood topic. Minimizing exposure to air is key when kegging your beer.

All-In-One Brewing System Advice


The Anvil Foundry is one of several mash-boil combination systems on the market using a removable cylinder with perforated bottom section to contain the mash. In contrast to the old school mash

Catharina Sour


Catharina sour — the fruited sour beer style that originated in Brazil — has continued to evolve and catch the attention of brewers across the world since hitting the international national stage just a few years ago. Learn to brew your own Catharina sour in time for summer with standard kettle-souring techniques and a whole lot of fresh fruit.

Traditional German Sours


Go into a brewery or craft beer bar with a decent tap list and there’s a pretty good chance you’ll find a fruited Berliner weisse or Gose. The styles have been revived over the past decade or so, however they are almost always brewed using the quick kettle-souring technique. To make a more complex version you need to revert to traditional techniques including mixed-fermentation, extended aging, no-boil, and bottle conditioning. Michael Tonsmeire shares how to bring these techniques to your homebrewed versions.

Storing Wort for Later Use


By using the methods of home canning, you can make and store wort for use whenever you want. Home canning is a simple and effective process for preserving starter wort in handy,



Kellerbier is the beer of choice throughout much of Germany’s Franconia region. Yet, it is difficult to define kellerbier as there are hundreds of examples that may be pale or quite dark, and taste equally unique. Learn about the history of these young, unfiltered lagers from a brewer who spent a decade at the source, plus tips on brewing your own at home.

Accidentally Frozen Beer


The good news is that frozen kegs can be saved! I hope you decided to keep your beers, let them thaw, and enjoyed them post arctic chill. Accidentally freezing beers is a

Sour Beer Techniques Workshop


Learn European as well as newer American methods to produce sour and funky beers from Michael Tonsmeire, who literally wrote the book on the subject with American Sour Beers.  Michael will demonstrate

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