December 2013
Gordon Strong’s London Porter
This recipe took first place at the SODZ British Beer Festival, and is fairly straightforward. It is meant to be in the style of Fuller’s London Porter (my personal favorite), with brown malt being the key flavor ingredient. It was entered in the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) Brown Porter category.
Gordon Strong’s American Robust Porter
This is a more modern take on an American robust porter, although it probably falls in between the BJCP Brown Porter and Robust Porter categories. Note the general similarity with the second recipe in this collection. It also is a nice base beer for a smoked porter; add a half pound of German rauchmalz and lower the bitterness to about 25 IBUs. For a more ‘robust’ American version, double the black malt, add 2 more pounds (0.9 kg) of base malt, and increase the late hops.
Gordon Strong’s Classic American Porter
This is my take on the lagered porters of the Northeast, in the style of Yuengling. It’s important to not have an overtly roasted flavor; licorice-type flavors are desirable, but not burnt. A less bitter version of this beer without the crystal malt will do nicely as a Dark American Lager. It might work in the Brown Porter category, but entering it as a Specialty Beer would work too.
Gordon Strong’s Baltic Porter
Gordon Strong used a variation of this recipe to win an NHC gold , blending it with a sweet blackberry mead to make a Blackberry Baltic Porter. The base beer is delicious on its own, and is a scaled up version of a Carnegie-style porter that won several medals on its own.
Bankside Brown Stout
Bankside Brown Stout (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.109 FG = 1.040 IBU = 100+ SRM = 87 ABV = 9.2% Ingredients 13 lbs. (5.9 kg) Briess 2-row pale malt (2
Dublin Stout
Dublin Stout (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) OG = 1.085 FG = 1.026 IBU = 83 SRM = 45 ABV = 7.6% Ingredients 12 lbs. (5.4 kg) pale malt syrup (10
Stainless Steel Care for Beginners
With qualities that prevent it from rusting, stainless steel is highly regarded and often used in every facet of homebrewing — from stainless kettles with stainless immersion coolers, to hot liquor tanks, mash
1744 Porter
Terry Foster submits his re-constructed recipe of a 1744 London Porter written by William Ellis, which he states “may in fact be closer to authenticity than at first appears to be the case.”
McMenamins Breweries: Terminator Stout clone
McMenamins describes Terminator Stout as having “a wide array of toasted, chocolate, nutty, and coffee-like flavors.”
Maillard Reactions
Beer contains hundreds of different compounds that interact with our human senses to create the appearance, mouthfeel, aromas and flavors that we experience and enjoy. The compounds that are contained within beer
Black is Beautiful: Black Malts
My mother’s favorite phrase for a really dark place was “It’s as black as Newgate’s Knocker!” This derived from the infamous Newgate prison where public executions of criminals were carried out in
Each metal has its advantages and disadvantages . . .a primer for the Do-It-Yourselfer
Build an Electric Brewing Control Panel
Homebrewing can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. Of course, the definition of simple or complicated all depends on the way you look at it. Like
Brewing Award-Winning Porter
“It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” – Winston Churchill, 1939 Sir Winston was referring to Russia, but the same quote could as easily apply to porter, the
Porter Beginnings
If you have read any of my other articles in Brew Your Own you will know that I have a great interest in trying to reproduce historical beers. The beer that really
Aeration & Mash Hopping: Mr. Wizard
Q I have been trying to come up with an easy and cost-effective way to get good aeration in my fermentations. I recently came across a device called an Oxygen Concentrator, which
Cask Ale: Tips from Pros
Cask ale, also called “real ale,” is naturally carbonated through a secondary ferment in the barrel. The beer is not filtered or pasteurized and is dispensed without the use of gas. We’ve
McMenamins Breweries’ Terminator Stout: Replicator
Dear Replicator, My wife and I recently treated ourselves to a vacation trip to Portland, Oregon and It was there that my bride actually loved a beer: Terminator Stout from McMenamins. As
McZainasheff’s Wee
Jamil Zainasheff provides BYO readers with a recipe for a smooth, easy-drinking, albeit heavy-hitting wee heavy. Buckle up!
Mr. Wizard
Oxygen Concentrator Aeration
The Wiz answers a question about a device he’s never encountered before.
Wee Heavy
Strong Scotch ale is a beer for those who can’t get enough rich malt flavor.
Benefit from a Brew Tour
There’s a world of knowledge in commercial breweries, all you need to do is tap into it.