Writer: Terry Foster

Pre-Prohibition Techniques


Learn to brew like they did pre-Prohibition, with the help of someone who has the old brewing notebooks.

1905 Holiday Ale


This is a re-creation of a 1905 Holiday Ale brewed by Hartmann, later Home Brewing Co., in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Dark Planet


This is a beer that uses muscovado sugar and technically fits no style…we’ll call it a porter though.

Sweet Stout II


This is a web bonus recipe from Terry Foster’s “Techniques” article on brewng milk stout.

Brewing with Dark Sugars


Learn how to properly add dark sugars to your homebrews.

Using Specialty Malts


Always consider these specialty malts when crafting a new recipe to enhance your brew.

Preventing (& Fixing) Stuck Fermentations


By understanding the causes of stuck fermentations and how to avoid them, you should never get stuck again.

Brewdog’s Rip Tide Imperial Stout clone


Brewbog’s Rip Tide clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.075 FG = 1.015 IBU = 65 SRM = 58 ABV = 8.0% Ingredients 10.6 lbs. (4.8 kg) 2-row pale malt 1.5

Classic American Pale Ale


A no-fuss, classic American Pale Ale recipe, loaded with Cascade hops.

Tudor Beer


Recipe author Terry Foster comments on his Tudor Beer, “Overall, it was a good crisp, fresh-tasting session beer, resembling a low-hopped version of an English summer ale. This is not so surprising when you consider that in 1503 this beer would have been in competition with the maltier and probably sweeter unhopped ale.”

Brewing with Crystal Malts


Learn about how to use crystal malts to get the right color and flavor range in your next homebrew.

Small Batches


Contemplating between two different yeast strains? Sounds like a perfect time for a small batch experiment!

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