Beer Style: IPA Family

Reuben’s Brews’ Bits and Bobs (2018) clone


Reuben’s Brews’ Bits and Bobs (2018) clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)OG = 1.066  FG = 1.012IBU = 50  SRM = 5  ABV = 7% “For our first release of Bits and Bobs

Sierra Nevada’s Resilience IPA


Resilience. Webster defines it as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” The Camp Fire that spread through Butte County, California beginning on November 8, 2018, was

Vin Blanc IPA


Vin Blanc IPA (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.064  FG = 1.014 IBU = 58  SRM = 5  ABV = 6.4% Ingredients 9 lbs. (4.1 kg) Pure Idaho Pilsner malt 3

Sierra Nevada Resilience Butte County Proud IPA clone


“More than 1,000 breweries have signed up to brew #ResilienceIPA! Homebrewers can participate too, with the Resilience IPA homebrew recipe!” — Sierra Nevada website

Bell’s Brewery’s Quinannan Falls clone


Quinannan Falls is a dry-hopped India pale lager that possesses a crisp, dry bitterness you would expect from a German Pilsner, but the use of highly aromatic Simcoe® hops from the Pacific Northwest evoke the fragrant pine forests that inspired this summer seasonal beer from Bell’s.

Bell’s Brewery’s Hopslam Ale clone


Starting with six different hop varieties added to the brew kettle and culminating with a massive dry hop addition of Simcoe® hops, Bell’s Hopslam Ale possesses the most complex hopping schedule in the Bell’s repertoire.

Bell’s Brewery’s Two Hearted Ale clone


Two Hearted Ale is one of the defining American-style India pale ales. This beer is bursting with aromas ranging from pine resins to grapefruit notes from the use of 100% Centennial hops.

Brut IPA


Brut IPA is the latest beer style to explode onto the craft beer scene. Learn about the bone dry IPA from a homebrewer and three pros, including the brewer who developed the hot new style. Plus: 4 brut IPA recipes.

MoreBeer! Juicy Brut


A brut IPA from MoreBeer!

Social Kitchen and Brewery’s Puttin On the Spritz clone


A brut IPA from Social Kitchen and Brewery, the brewery who invented the dry IPA style.

Danville Brewing Co.’s Brutus clone


A brut IPA from Danville Brewing Co.

Barebottle Brewing Co.’s Mt. Brutus clone


A brut IPA from Barebottle Brewing Co.

242 result(s) found.
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