Writer: Dawson Raspuzzi

Pastry Stouts: Tips from the Pros


The so-called “pastry” stout is a high-gravity stout with flavors reminiscent of popular desserts. Get tips for brewing your own nightcap beer from three pros leading the charge.

Electric Countertop Brew Systems


There has been tremendous growth in the popularity of electric all-in-one countertop homebrew systems in recent years. With more than 20 systems now available, we thought it was time to put together a comparison of the features each has to make choosing a system easier for those in the market.

Yeast Selection: Tips from the Pros


With so many yeast strains available from yeast labs, how should a homebrewer go about choosing which one to use? We asked two pros for their best pointers.

Brewing Session Beers: Tips from the Pros


Two pros share their advice regarding recipe design and brewing techniques for achieving beers that are low in alcohol but high in flavor.

Beer Evaluation: Tips from the Pros


Experts from the Beer Judge Certification Program and
Cicerone program share how homebrewers can improve their beer evaluation skills and how it will help their brewing.

How Important is Kettle pH?


Mash pH gets most of the attention when it comes to pH measurement, but there are ideal pH levels at every step of the brewing process and they may get out of

Roasted Malts: Tips from the Pros


Two 2020 Great American Beer Festival (GABF) medalists share their preferences and techniques for brewing with roasted malts. Jeff Young, Co-Founder/Brewmaster of Shoe Tree Brewing Co. in Carson City, Nevada For chocolate

Brewing with Extract: Tips from the Pros


Many homebrewers start the hobby brewing with malt extract and move into all-grain batches, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t advantages to brewing with extract or that great beer can’t be made

Beyond Oak: Tips from the Pros


There are many woods beyond oak that can add complexity to beer. Two pros who know their way around these exotic flavors share their top tips. Wayne Wambles, Brewmaster at Cigar City

10 New Hops to Brew With


It still strikes me as a little odd when I see a beer can boldly declaring “hops” as an ingredient. Sure, hops are an ingredient in almost every modern beer, but the

Lupulin Brewing Co.’s Sophistry 06 clone


Lupulin Brewing Co.’s Sophistry 06 clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)OG =  1.072  FG = 1.015IBU = 27*  SRM = 5  ABV = 7.5% * Beers heavily dry hopped can differ greatly from

Icarus Brewing Co.’s Pineapple Hindenburg clone


Icarus Brewing Co.’s Pineapple Hindenburg clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)OG = 1.064  FG = 1.016IBU = 17.1  SRM = 6  ABV = 6.2% This recipe was born out of a collaboration with the Ocean

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