How To Keep Your Wine Yeast Healthy
Yeast cells, far from being just another ingredient to be
tossed into the pot, are living, breathing organisms that need certain
things to function properly.
Homebrewing with the Pros
When Matt Cole homebrews, it’s no small production. A 20- or 30-gallon batch means that five or six carboys must be sanitized, along with six pots and all the utensils. Three to
Homebrewing During Prohibition
The reputation of homebrewers suffered during the Noble Experiment.
Homebrew Lab Equipment
From the humble hydrometer to a handheld pH meter, here are the gizmos every science-inclined homebrewer should have.
Winter Holiday Extract Recipes
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or some other variation of the mid-winter holidays, you are sure to find a common thread that is near and dear to the homebrewing heart:
Brew a No-Boil Extract Brown Ale
How to clean, sanitize, prepare a no-boil wort, aerate, proof and pitch a dry yeast, ferment a batch and bottle your beer. Plus: basic equipment.
Head Games
A nitrogen injection can put a little Dublin in your brew.
Great Scot!
A homebrewer wanders through Scotland and returns with all the firsthand knowledge you’ll need to brew classic “shilling” ales and wee heavies at home. Plus: masterful tips from Scottish beer expert Greg Noonan, and extract and all-grain recipes for 60-shilling, 70-shilling, 80-shilling, wee heavy, heather ale and grozet.
Grain Expectations
Brewers always seem to get a bright gleam in their eyes when designing a new beer recipe. Poring over available specialty malts and beer profiles, brewers drool with anticipation at the thought
Fermentation Temperature Control: Tips from the Pros
Two pros discuss the highs and lows of temperature control during fermentation.
Effective Lautering: Tips from the Pros
Brewer: Mikoli Weaver Education: BS in food and science bio-chemistry from Universtiy of Washington; degree from Instituto di Cucina e Science, Tuscany To effectively lauter you need to effectively mash. Make sure