January-February 2020
This recipe is based on the all-grain recipe by Gordon Strong in the January-February 2019 issue of BYO and shows how I would approach the recipe as a partial mash, replacing much of the base malt with malt extract allows for a shortened brew day that requires less equipment than all-grain brewing does.
Pumped Up!
Most homebrewers start out small. A pot and Igloo cooler, some ball valves, basic hoses and barb fittings, a torpedo mesh for their mash, and an immersion chiller are the totality of
Cold as Ice(bock)
Eisbock, (Eis meaning “ice” in German), is a higher-alcohol version of the classic barley-based Bavarian strong lager, the bockbier (or bock for short), or alternately, a wheat-based ale. Eisbock has a unique
Horst’s Eisbock
Eisbock (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)OG = 1.067 FG* = 1.014IBU* = 28 SRM* = 10.6 ABV* = 7% * The base recipe, and specifications listed above, are for my favorite Maibock recipe
A Walk on the Wild Side
Years ago, while I was serving as a US Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana, West Africa, I loved ending my day with a drink or two of whatever local beverage that might
Save Time with Partial Mashing
As a homebrewer who has been brewing for more than 30 years, and spent the last nine years as the owner of a homebrew shop, I always smile when a fellow brewer
New Old Timer’s Bock
10 Tips for Tastier Homebrews
Brewers new to the hobby of making beer are often overwhelmed by unfamiliar ingredients, techniques, and equipment. Those who master the craft have to understand not only their equipment and processes, but
Mobile Beer Lab: Staying organized and portable
Keeping your testing equipment safe and organized can be a challenge. Here’s a DIY build for a mobile beer lab that will keep your lab tools ready whenever and wherever they’re needed.
A Better Business Framework: Thinking strategically about your nano
Find out how to create a business framework with feedback loops to help ensure that each facet of your brewery operates smoothly and is capable of learning from its mistakes.
A Clean Fight: The science of hygienic brewing
Quality cleaning begets quality beer. Colin breaks down the science and your options to combating the grime and potential contaminants to your brews.
Sparge Ho!: The many ways of rinsing grains (or not)
Sparging is a fairly mundane topic in the professional brewing world but can be a polarizing topic among homebrewers. Learn some of the pros and cons to the most popular options.
Dark Mild: I’m mad about mild
Mild ales have a long and rich brewing history in England. Learn about its path to the modern take on the style and how to brew a top-quality mild in your homebrewery.
Devil’s Purse Brewing Co.’s Handline Kölsch clone
In the end, this beer just takes patience, unless you have a centrifuge. Cold lagering for a month should provide you with the clarity and crispness you’re looking for.
Gordon Strong’s Dark Mild Ale
Gordon Strong provides a recipe designed with some of the best characterisitics of a dark mild ale after judging the category at the 2019 GABF competition.
Combating Chloramine and A Deep Dive Into The Dynamics of Glycol Chillers
The Wiz responds to a question about how to remove chloramine from water. Also, for the growing legion of hobby and small-scale brewers using glycol fermentation control systems, learn some of the in’s and out’s to their proper use.
Mr. Wizard
A Deep Dive Into The Dynamics of Glycol Chillers
Your question brings up several interesting points that could be expanded into deep dives into topics that most homebrewers would not find very useful, so I will avoid spending too much time
Mr. Wizard
Combating Chloramine
As far as chloramine removal goes, your “belt and suspenders” method is more than capable of removing chloramines from water. Just to very briefly hit this topic, carbon filtration is a great
Devil’s Purse Brewing Co.
Cape Cod, Massachusetts has long been a summer tourist destination, known for its sandy beaches, surfing . . . and yes, sharks. But one reader found the Handline Kölsch from Devil’s Purse Brewing is also something to revere.
Fermenter Choices
As a homebrewer, the selection of different fermenters is pretty astounding. Make sure you choose wisely.
Spontaneous Fermentations: Tips from the Pros
Wild beers can be fermented a couple of ways —from pitching cultured yeast/bacteria or leaving the wort exposed and allowing it to ferment spontaneously, as Belgian lambic brewers do. While riskier, spontaneous
Drool Page
Featuring some of the latest drool worthy features found in our Homebrew Nation section of BYO. Homebrew Drool Setup — JR Renna • Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania Many of us have fun names