Writer: Betsy Parks

76 result(s).

Temperature Controllers


One of the most important processes to control in your homebrewery is the temperature of your wort and beer. Here is a rundown on temperature controllers.

Electric Homebrew: Go gas free


There are more than a few ways to brew a beer, and one of those ways is with an all-electric homebrewery. if you are considering moving away from propane, take some advice from two dedicated all-electric homebrewers.

Hot New Hops


Tech companies love talking about “early adopters” — these are the people who are first to get the newest gadget, software, or trend and spread the word to the masses. The brewing

Sir Walter Scotch Ale


Pete Rahn, QC Supervisor at Magic Hat Brewing Co. provides a recipe to BYO from his homebrew collection. “My brother went to Scotland for a year. I brewed this Scotch ale the day he left and conditioned it for the year he was gone.”

The BISness Belgian Imperial Stout


Kyle Larson, Brewer at Double Mountain Brewery in Hood River, Oregon provides a recipe to BYO from his homebrew collection.

Oatmeal Stout: Tips from the Pros


While a glass of oatmeal stout may or may not lower your cholesterol, it’s still pretty tasty. That’s because oatmeal brings a silky texture and vanilla-esque oat flavors to the party. In

Dogfish Head Craft Brewery’s Raison D’etre clone


According to Dogfish Head’s website “A deep mahogany, Belgian-style brown ale brewed with beet sugar, raisins and Belgian-style yeast.”

Beginner Bittering Basics


If you want to make a balanced beer, you need to know something about bittering. The alpha acids in hops bring bitter flavor to your beer so that you can balance out

Reading a Water Report for Beginners


Brewing water can be pretty confusing, especially to a new homebrewer who is starting to brew all-grain batches. All you need to know in the beginning, however, is if six certain ions

Designing Your First Homebrew Recipe


Once you feel comfortable homebrewing with pre-written recipes, it’s only natural to wonder how to formulate an original recipe of your own. With a little up-front planning and research, you can successfully

Your First Homebrew Competition


Competitions can be a fun way to learn more about brewing better homebrews — and maybe earn some bragging rights as well. If you are interested in seeing how your homebrews stack

Brewing with Oatmeal


Once you get the basics of brewing with barley malt down, it is fun to start experimenting with other grains and adjuncts. In this story, Jamil Zainasheff discusses brewing oatmeal stout. If

76 result(s) found.
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