Writer: Betsy Parks

Brooklyn Brewery: Brooklyn Monster Ale clone


Discountinued in 2013, Brooklyn Monster Ale was first brewed in 1997 and was a legend in its time as one of the early American-brewed barleywines. It was midway between the old British barleywine style and more modern variants. Much of this beer’s essential character comes from the use of Maris Otter floor malts, but the residual sugar was relatively low.

10 Newer Hop Varieties & Recipes


Check out ten newer hop varieties that are now available to homebrewers. Plus, try brewing four hoppy homebrew recipes with the newer releases. You may have noticed some new hop names on

Making Your Own Flavored Syrups for Berliner Weisse


Berliner weisse is a style of beer that is frequently sweetened in the glass with a dash of flavored syrup, which is known as “with a shot,” or “mit Schuss” in German.

Tips for a Successful Homebrew Club


Brewing beer is fun whether you like to brew alone or with friends. Getting involved with a dedicated group of homebrewers, however, can have some real advantages beyond better beer. For starters,

Annie Johnson: Homebrewer of the Year


The 2013 Homebrewer of the Year is unique in a lot of ways. For starters, Sacramento, California’s Annie Johnson is the first woman to win the American Homebrewing Association’s coveted award since

Cellaring Beer: Tips from the Pros


Wine isn’t the only fermented beverage that can improve with age. Many high-alcohol and sour beers change for the better after a few months in a proper cellar. in this issue, two

Lager Fermentations: Tips from Pros


We all love to drink tasty, cool-fermented lagers, but when it comes to fermenting them it is sometimes easier said than done. in this issue, two lager experts discuss some advice for running your best lager fermentation.

Choosing the Right Yeast: Tips from Pros


The great thing about being a homebrewer in this day and age is the wide array of ingredient choices, including yeast. but how do you actually choose the right strain? Three yeast

Sweet Stout: Tips from Pros


Dark, sweet and full-bodied, sweet stout — also known as milk stout — is a fun beer to add to your Repertoire. in this issue three brewers discuss brewing this winter-friendly style with balance.

Hop Growing Roundtable


Have you ever wanted to grow your own hops but weren’t sure where to start? Four professional hop growers from around North America share their tips for planting a healthy hop crop at home.

New Albion Ale: The First US Craft Beer


The first modern microbrewed ale in the United States was New Albion Ale. Learn how to brew this historic ale.

Advice from Beer Judges: Tips from the Pros


Three BJCP judges give advice to homebrewers who plan on entering contests.  

76 result(s) found.
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