March-April 2019
Top 5 Ways for a Nano Brewer to Get Started in Quality Control
Starting a quality program can be overwhelming. There are so many different directions you can go in, and then there’s the training and cost of equipment. Luckily, getting started doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Here are the top five things a nano brewer can do to get started with quality control and quality assurance.
Turn Up the Heat
Not all pepper beers are scary hot. With such a wide range of ways they can be utilized in a recipe — not to mention the various techniques of how they can be used in brewing — peppers are a really interesting and fun ingredient to brew with.
Calibrate Your Brew System
To produce consistent beers and hit our targets from brew day to brew day you need to understand your brewing system and all of its variables. Once every facet of your brew day is calibrated, the guesswork will be minimalized.
Somewhere between a traditional mead and a beer is where you’ll find braggot. The trick, however, is to balance the two ingredients to create a synthesis of malt and honey. Learn about the history, ingredients, and techniques to brew a braggot worthy of bragging about.
Diplomatic Mission Braggot
Diplomatic Mission Braggot (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)OG = 1.061 FG = 1.003IBU = 23 SRM = 12 ABV = 7.6% Ingredients3.5 lbs. (1.6 kg) rye malt2 lbs. (0.91 kg) 2-row pale malt8
New England IPA: A Scientific Study
Scott Janish spent a couple years combing through research often forgotten or generally undiscovered by homebrewers and applying it to brewing modern New England IPAs. Here, he shares his biggest takeaways.
Janish’s New England IPA
A NEIPA recipe straight from Scott Janish, co-founder of Sapwood Cellars and author of “The New IPA: Scientific Guide to Hop Aroma and Flavor.”
Mirror Twin Brewing Co.’s Eukanot Tell Me What To Do clone
Mirror Twin Brewing Co.’s Eukanot Tell Me What To Do clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)OG = 1.052 FG = 1.010IBU = 50 SRM = 5 ABV = 5.5% “When we made
Hot New Hops
Tech companies love talking about “early adopters” — these are the people who are first to get the newest gadget, software, or trend and spread the word to the masses. The brewing
Reuben’s Brews’ Bits and Bobs (2018) clone
Reuben’s Brews’ Bits and Bobs (2018) clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)OG = 1.066 FG = 1.012IBU = 50 SRM = 5 ABV = 7% “For our first release of Bits and Bobs
Appreciating the Classic Hops
The classics are classics for a reason. Whether talking about books, music, or even beer, it is important to understand what the classics are and why they hold that special title. Classics
HolaMolé (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.080 FG = 1.016 IBU = 77 SRM = 36 ABV = 8.4% The grain bill is a variation on Denny Conn’s proven Imperial Porter recipe.
Tribute Brewing Co.’s White Legs Jalapeño Wheat clone
Tribute Brewing Co.’s White Legs Jalapeño Wheat clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.052 FG = 1.010 IBU = 16 SRM = 3 ABV = 5.5% This recipe was designed and brewed
Poblano Wit
Poblano Wit (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.064 FG = 1.012 IBU = 15 SRM = 4 ABV = 6.6% I’ve made this beer over a dozen times and most of
Mr. Wizard
Feeling the Pressure
Atmospheric pressure does affect beer carbonation and dispense, but the answer to this question is a little confusing depending on where the beer being dispensed was carbonated, and how carbonation is defined.
Mr. Wizard
Tips for Unitank Users
The best treatise I have read about the development and use of unitank fermenters is in the textbook Brewing Yeast and Fermentation by Boulton and Quain. Although the subject is covered in
Gordon Strong’s English Barleywine
“They develop such depth when well-made, well-packaged, and well-kept, changing and maturing over the years like fine red wine.” – Gordon Strong
English Barleywine: My favorite winter beer
Do you have a favorite winter-time beer? For Gordon Strong, an English barleywine is his personal preference. Explore the depths of this beer that is rich in both history and body.
Clearing It Out: Clarity, fining, and recipe decisions
While promoting clarity in your beer may not be your top priority, there are benefits to the pursuit of clear beer. Take a walk through the various reasons brewers may want to clarify their beer and ways to achieve it.
The New Starter: A novel method for ensuring yeast vitality
Most of us homebrewers that utilize liquid yeast cultures are well aware of the steps to make a yeast starter. Colin Kaminski wants homebrewers to re-think that approach, which also has implications to our standard wort aeration practices as well.
“Smart” Fermentation: A chamber with a CO2 harvesting system
This project may not be for everyone . . . but man it’s a cool build! One reader built his own “smart” fermentation chamber from scratch with its own CO2 harvesting system. Learn the details of the design and how to craft one yourself.
Feeling the Pressure, Tips for Unitank Users
Mr. Wizard dives deep into the effects changing pressure can have on carbonation levels of beer. Also, a homebrewer is looking for advice on best-practices for the new unitank they recently purchased.
Running Yeast Trials: Tips From the Pros
Yeast trials often are testing one variable at a time to find out how these differences in fermentation can impact the final beer. Learn from two experts well-versed on the topic.
Let’s Get Tropical: An obsession with the Florida-weisse
The fruited Berliner weisse beers have developed a relatively small, but devoted following. One homebrewer dives down this rabbit hole after getting enamored by one brewery’s version and wants to share his experience.
Sierra Nevada’s Resilience IPA
Resilience. Webster defines it as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” The Camp Fire that spread through Butte County, California beginning on November 8, 2018, was
Grain Husks Explained
Here at Brew Your Own magazine, we field a lot of questions that revolve around the husks of brewing grains. Grain husks serve a very specific purpose for many all-grain brewers and
Sierra Nevada Resilience Butte County Proud IPA clone
“More than 1,000 breweries have signed up to brew #ResilienceIPA! Homebrewers can participate too, with the Resilience IPA homebrew recipe!” — Sierra Nevada website