January-February 2018
Dry Hopping: Adding Bright Hop Character
Dry hopping beer is an age-old technique that is enjoying a great deal of attention in the current era where hop flavor and aroma can make or break a beer, especially hop-forward beers such as American pale ales and IPAs. We ask two award-winning professional brewers at the top of their game for advice and topics for homebrewers to think about when they approach a dry-hopped beer.
Brazilian Style-Catharina Sour Beer – mock BJCP Guidelines
For those looking to learn more about this Brazilian style of beer, here is a mock BJCP guideline for Catharina Sour written by a Brazilian well acquainted with the style.
Tracking Sugar Content of a Cider and Kettle Sours: Mr Wizard
It is the lack of non-fermentable sugars that make dry ciders attractive to carbohydrate watchers.
Gordon Strong ‘s American Pale Ale
By Gordon Strong of Beavercreek, Ohio, winner of the 13th Dayton Beerfest (Dayton, OH – 131 entries)
Eric Heinz and Kyle Autry ‘s American Pale Ale
By Eric Heinz and Kyle Autry of Houston, Texas, winner of the Alamo City Cerveza Fest (San Antonio, Texas – 302 entries)
Justin Rawleigh’s American Pale Ale
By Justin Rawleigh of Gilbert, Arizona, winner of the Arizona Spring Classic (Tempe, Arizona – 217 entries)
Benjamin Sharp’s American Pale Ale
By Benjamin Sharp of Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, winner of Vicbrew (Melbourne, Australia – 437 entries)
Ricardo Fritzche’s American Pale Ale
By Ricardo Fritzche of Austin, Texas, winner of the Lunar Rendezbrew 23 (Seabrook, Texas – 403 entries)
Rock Art Brewery’s The Vermonster clone
This is an American-style barleywine first brewed by Rock Art Brewery (Morrisville, Vermont) as its 10th anniversary beer and soon made into a regular offering. The malts contribute a caramel note and hide the taste of the alcohol.
The Brew Kettle Production Works’ Jack Hammer clone
The Brew Kettle Production Works (Strongsville, Ohio) utilizes three specialty grains along with a load of base malt to brew this malt-forward English-style barleywine.
Jackie O’s Brewery’s Brick Kiln clone
Brick Kiln from Jackie O’s Brewery (Athens, Ohio) is brewed in the English tradition and features rich caramel and raisin notes, with a light herbal presence from noble hops.
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.’s Sucaba clone
This English-style barleywine from Firestone Walker (Paso Robles, California) is aged in recently emptied Bourbon barrels to pick up flavors and alcohol from the Bourbon. While this beer goes into the barrel around 10% ABV, it comes out above 12%.
East End Brewing Co.’s Gratitude clone
East End Brewing (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) brews this American-style barleywine as an anniversary beer each November, and then bottle conditions and hand packages them.
Anchorage Brewing Co.’s A Deal with the Devil clone
This massive American-style barleywine from Anchorage Brewing (Anchorage, Alaska) utilizes only one hop variety and loads of malt to ring in at 17% ABV. Anchorage ages it for 11 months in Cognac barrels.
Break Out of a Brewing Rut
If the time ever comes where brewing begins to feel monotonous or like a chore, use these 11 tips to bring the excitement back into brewing.
Avoiding the Harsh Zone
Beer brewing is an art, and not just a technical exercise, as my friend Randy Mosher is fond of reminding me. Many of you know Randy as the author of great books
2 Distinct Approaches to 1 Big Beer: Barleywine Clones
Brewed for centuries but not officially named until the previous one, barleywine is a bit of an enigma. It can be light or dark, hoppy or malty. The alcohol presence can be
Award-Winning American Pale Ale
It’s been about nine years since I last wrote about American pale ales, and with a lot of evolution to the style in the time since, it’s time to revisit the style
Induction Brewing
One brewer’s lessons learned, tested, reinforced, and incorporated over the past several years of watching and talking to induction brewers (and continuing to brew 30–40 batches per year on his own system), it is now time to revisit induction brewing.
Extract to Beer in 7 Days
If you’ve read any brewing books in the last century you know that the process of making beer always requires boiling of the wort. Boiling sterilizes the wort (kills off Lactobacillus and
Bottle Filling Station
Take your bottling process to the next level
Fermentation Systems For Nanobrewers
A brewery’s fermentation system is the most costly part for a start-up and the devil is in the details. Luckily, nanobrewers have plenty of options and there are ways to cut cost.
Enjoy the Freedom of Homebrewing
Taking a moment to savor the hobby side
Catharina Guajava
A Brazilian kettle-soured fruit beer.
Catharina Sour – A Brazilian kettle-soured fruit beer
Fruit-forward sour beers have been increasingly making their mark in the craft beer world. In Brazil, a style known as Catharina Sour is one example of this trend. Learn what sets this style apart and how to brew one yourself.
What’s In Your Wort?
Learn about the sugars and other carbohydrates that make up the composition of your beer’s wort.
pFriem Family Brewers’ Hefeweizen clone
Two different Pilsner malts, two wheat malts, two noble hops, and one yeast strain make this a simple but compelling recipe.
pFriem Family Brewers
Dear Replicator, A couple years ago I was traveling through the Columbia River Gorge from Portland, heading east and stopped off in Hood River, Oregon. I stumbled on a place called pFriem
Mr. Wizard’s Musings – Disseminating the latest hop research
I annually attend several brewing meetings and every so often I see or hear something that really gets me thinking. And I like to write about these topics to give fellow brewers
Mr. Wizard
Making Kettle Sours
It took a while for brewers outside of the small sour brewing centers of Belgium and Germany to produce excellent sours because so much of the science and practice of sour beer
Mr. Wizard
Tracking Sugar Content of a Cider
Most homemade ciders, unless specially handled, ferment out completely and contain very little residual sugars. This is because apple juice mainly contains fermentable sugars (fructose, sucrose, and glucose), and smaller amounts of